Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Kodaikanal Trek - Phase-3 - LOST

|| " Eyes cannot escape the Green, ears cannot miss the sound of the leaf
 I was Lost in woods, tired of beauty and  no minute for  relief" ||

Minutes of walking, things turned heavy! I felt Gravity was pulling me hard,the music became a burden to my ears, everywhere i look i see mountains, trees and brown leaves. I was somewhere in the woods, by calculation i should be able to see some human activity or a promising road ahead but i was in the middle of the woods. My Bag became more heavier, i started to sweat and a bad thought crept in " I'm may not reach on time and im going to miss the bus". A bottle of water, box of chocolates, 2 small pack of biscuits, weak leg and a burning foot. I was still walking hard to make out of the Woods.

As i kept walking, i saw a steep path, shadowed by plants and trees. To my Left i saw thick tree covered mountain and as my eyes ran through the mountain, something Blue showed up. i just stood still and observed! It was a bus and what i was looking at was a road!i was so happy that i had finally made it! I looked at the steep path and started walking faster.

The path went on , it was endless, endless scene of green on both the sides, i switched on the music! I was loosing hope again, my foot was burning like Hell and i knew, if im going to stop and sit down for few seconds, i will not be able to get up to walk again.. As i listened to music an inspiring line showed up from my favorite song, 

Angels and Airwaves- The Adventure 
" My dearest friends,
Even if your hope has burned with time,
Anything that's dead shall be re-grown,
And your vicious pain, your warning sign,
You will be fine."

Yess!! God exists!!!!! said one of my sense!  "Shut Up!!, this is just a random probability, the music is in shuffle mode and any song may pop up! since you are in isolation you are able to hear the Lyrics clearly! " said my other sense, as i battled within, the steep road came to an end and i was engulfed by the dying sunlight! The sight gave me a shock! the place was just an empty space and there was another path leading into the Woods again. I imagined a road leading to the village but i was still in the woods. I have definitely Lost my route and have been traveling all these time in the wrong path!

As i walked closer i found 2 paths. I was stunned and not in a mind to analyze and make decisions on which road to choose. I was bending down to see were these paths go and how should i choose one.My mind did not work right, i was weak , tired and my foot was Burning and im LOST

As i stood clueless, i heard something to my left, i saw bushes move as if someone pushed it ,i gripped my stick and stood still to see what comes out.

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