Thursday, January 10, 2013


" || Not days, not hours or not a portion of  some experience! It is the little moments that can change  life forever!"||

 The morning i got down at Chennai Koyembedu bustop. I was sleepy and walked with the stick in my hand. " Look dud he looks like Bodhivarman" said a guy on the road. I rode in a share auto and got down near my room and walked. In the shop near by home i brought some rice and potato. I had lots of cloths to wash and i was not able to walk. That day was a Sunday. I washed my cloths and cooked the best food ever. Fried potatoes and rice! 

As the evening came , the gentle wind blew open the door and i sat on the white plastic chair looking at the tree from my terrace. All those moments came back, there was silence all around. Just me and the sound of wind and that Tree. The same time yesterday i was in the woods and now in the four walled room. Both these places i was and im now , had loneliness in common but when i was in the woods i never felt lonely, but here yes it was sad and lonely. Good days are over and i had to get to work tomorrow. The same excel sheets, the white monitor, black phones and watery coffee. There will not be a time when my mobile will be switched off, there will be no black coffee like i had in Vellakavi, there will be no trees and sound of cricket. Man i don deserve to lock myself in career that makes no sense to me!

I was Lost in the woods, but found ideas or thoughts , I was Lost in tiredness, but i found a guy who made me realize what i was searching for. 6-7months from the Trek I Lost hope on the Job i was in, into Recruitment. i Lost Interest and i quit and now im Finding what i want! I lost a brand value but i found time to observe my life, be more lazy, write more, fight for justice and do the new job with creativity i like. I also found the Hotel Room key in my bag !!!!

Lost is just another way of saying I found something new. Lost and Found, what ever you loose, its worth loosing because you would Find what you want!!! All i say is. Just go do what you want!! society, system and people perception should not contain your spirits! its your life and you decide what you want!!!
We are all like the Little kid who i met near the lake, we are all Lost and we walk wherever we feel we would be safe! Lost is good! use it as an opportunity to discover something new! something about you and don't try to be safe! Find a way to get Lost!!!! Get lost, Find Yourself!

The God Theory - Reloded

 || " Anything that's immeasurable, undefinable, non-calculable , not understandable and unthinkable, is not God its just lack of reasoning " ||

The bus has to start by 7:30pm and i was inside it by 7:15pm. I removed my shoes and socks, what a relief!! but few minutes later a horrible smell was knocking my nose! 4hrs30mins of trekking, a lot of sweat, mixed with the oil from the foot, yes that smelled horrible! " What is that smell???" a guy mildly yelled. He was around 5 feet, wearing power glasses, dressed in read T-shirt and Blue jean and looked around. "Yes its me, i had been trekking all day! cant help! sorry!". He nodded and sat in another seat. The Bus was about to start and conductor came near my seat and asked the guy to sit next to me. A group of old  women sat on the left side seats and i was with this guy on the right. " I pity you" the conductor said to me and why did he say that? because i was trekking alone like a mad man and still carrying the stick! I smiled and ignored it

"Where are you trekking from? " asked the guy next to me. I explained him the whole route and he said " Well you did not trek 14km, you should have trekked at least close to 20km". I was happy it made me kind of proud! as i was mentally updating it in my FB status and imagined friends liking it " Are you vexed with your life? any problems? why im asking you this is because, you know people do all these trekking just to give themselves a break from all their trouble!" I looked at him for a second and said " Yea, no problem in my life. Have you seen the movie Into the Wild? " he replied " Nope! but what did you feel about trekking?"

"I felt peace! i like to have some adventure for my own!" he smiled at me and said " You seem different! so what do you do? and whats your hobbies?" I explained him about my work and also said to him about my interest in the Aliens and writing stories! He was excited!! " Wow!! im very much interested in the same subject!!" i explained him about the Roswell incident, Betty and Barney abduction case and told him about the "Chariots of Gods" book. He suddenly said " Yes i have read that book in tamil and its wonderful!! "Do you believe in God?" This is what i was expecting !!! Goosebumps in my body and i became High!!!!

"Yes but not the god we think as God you know!!".. He replied " Exactly Boss! i too have the same problem! i was very spiritual once, in the name of religion and God, few so called holy men ruined my life! but still i did not loose faith! what would poor Jesus do for some guy guiding me wrong!. Every morning i open my shop and play devotional songs and then start with business! after reading books like chariots of gods i realized, Aliens may be the gods but still, it has become like a sentiment i cannot start the day without playing the devotional songs. I feel uneasy if i don't do so! " I smiled at him and i realized that i had the same problem!

One thing was bothering! what is the beginning to the Beginning! If aliens have created us ?( which is very convincing) , then i assume some more far intelligent life has created our creators and so on!! but were does all these start from? who started all these? Like the Hindu script claims are we all the stuffing's in the God's dream? but still who the hell is god? and why do every religion threatens people especially the non-believers to Hell? we talked and talked and had several things in common, i forgot his name, but we still talk over phone. He also made a short film called "Theeveravadham" and he is a budding director!

When he entered the bus and yelled about the smell from my socks i thought there was going to be a fight, but few hours of talks and  we had each of us to support to break the illusion of god ! As he was talking i fell asleep, the morning i woke up , i saw flyovers and busy roads, the bus was near Koyambedu and he was packing his bag and got down a stop before Koyambedu.!

So what was LOST and what was FOUND?

The Two hours in the Bustand

" || When a man searches for truth he becomes a part of an adventure. When he understands the truth , he becomes The adventure and they call him GOD " ||

"Can you drop me on the way or somewhere near the bustand? " i asked, " Sure no problem , i will drop you in the bustand" the guy riding the bike replied. He signaled his friends who were in the other bike. They all slowed down and had water borrowed from a house, as they discussed, 2 guys bid adieu and left. Along with the rest i was in the bustand after a10mins ride. I jumped out of the bike and i was not able to walk! Lifting my legs few inches in the air was difficult and painful. One of the Guys ran to the ticket counter and asked about the bus. He came running and said " 7PM the SETC bus leaves to chennai!" . Chennai?? i did not know there was a straight bus from Thumbakarai to Chennai. As i looked around i noticed something shocking!!

If i wanted to know the place im currently in, i look out for the shop boards with address. I saw one such board and it said "Periyakulam" I looked at the guys and asked " The place were you picked me up, is it periyakulam? " , "Yea the outskirts" they replied. I was confused! I should have taken a bus from Thumbakarai to Periyakulam but, i have walked all my way here!! Oh My God!!!!!!

My mind was repeating this news again and again! One of the guys came closer to me and pointed his hands to a distant mountain that was covered with mist and asked " Do you see the mountain there", "yea i can see it, why?"

 He said " Well that is were you have been trekking from! the Dolphin NOSE AND THIS IS PERIYAKULAM!! were did you get this crazy thought to trek?" The mountain he pointed was far to my eyesight and i cannot determine how much kilometers i have walked and its definitely not just 14km. I was not even able to say how i had trekked this far! somewhere, sometime i had missed a route and walked all way here!  i laughed out loud and brought cool drink for those guys. I introduced myself to them and i came to know they were all college students doing final year engineering and out of them few were working.

"You guys need not wait for me, i will be here till 7pm , just take rest", they all smiled and one guy said " I thought i will take you to my home but its 3km from here. We will reach there and in another 15mins we have to start back to catch the bus, there will be no time to rest" . " Thanks, but no problem , i will just have something and sit here for a while and then sleep inside the bus" Before they left , few of them added me in Facebook, i bid Adieu and dragged myself to the ticket counter.

I brought the reservation Ticket and I was Hungry but i was not able to eat! i took 30mins to finish one Dosa. The hotel looked weirdly at me when i took the stick in. After eating i asked a waiter there "Can i fill my empty bottles with the water here? " the man replied ": Why are you even asking! its water please take as much as you want!" I realized this place was far better than Chennai, people in the city !!! my god!!. I filled my water bottles and stretched myself in the platform. I was looking at the people there, i asked a guy to click a picture of me, poor guy took a picture while the lens was pointing at him!!!  My bus had come and the conductor came out and he took a pic of mine!

The Trek was incomplete!! The God theory danced in my mind. God exist or not? Aliens are gods? or is there a God somewhere? Stories or thoughts from Trek never end, but my trek became Complete. I did not have answers for my questions but i found something helpful!

The Kodaikanal Trek - Phase-4 - FOUND

                        || " Everything is just probability!!  it become Luck, when the probability is at 1"||

It may seem normal when you read, but it was totally something there. Few more meters of walk i would be damn tired and anything could have happened. By calculation i knew i have walked 14km. It's just 14Km but it was in the woods and walking down the slope made me shaky! Gravity was all pulling me and the heavy bag i carried pushed me. My Jeans,T-shirt everything became heavier and i was sweating like hell! my shoes lost its souls and i was able to feel the ground, my foot burnt and the socks scratched it every time i walked. The two paths in front of me put me in chaos, deep down my instincts were screaming a thing. It was like " I would easily get out of this place" and i reasoned it in all logical ways i could.

Walking faster or getting a help from someone were the two logical possibilities. I'm sure i cannot walk faster and i cannot expect someone in the woods to give me a ride, it is woods after all!! As i was in a chaos on which path i should choose the bushes began to shake! i gripped my stick and made myself ready to run or make peace. Wild Bufallows / Ox were said to be the living creatures of the woods. I was longing to see one or even imagined even like i was chased by it. But not now, definitely not now! i cannot! but it was not an Ox. It was a young dude coming out of the woods from my left.

5 more people followed him and they were totally 7 -8 guys and as they came out and i asked "Which way do i go to get in town?", follow us he replied and i walked with them. "Where you from and what are you doing here?" he asked " From Chennai and came here for trekking"

Suddenly the other guy " What alone? trekking from kodaikanal??",  "yea from kodaikanal, i started at Dolphin nose this afternoon and im here now! i will be leaving Chennai tonight". They all gave me a stare as if they saw a Ghost! as i walked i thought, i should somehow reach periyakulam by 7pm and get the night bus to Chennai, as i planned. All of a sudden, 2 of the guys whispered loudly "Stop stop!!! i saw something there!! i think there is an OX". We marched slowly and 2 minutes later we were all fools! including the 2 guys. They mistook a cow for an Ox, the cow was standing under the Mango tree and i was stunned to see myself there! im finally out of woods!!! I have made it to the outskirts of the town and landed in a private land filled with Mango / sapota trees.

I was happy and sad as well. I became more cheered when i saw these guys parked their bikes! I don't remember the bike or its color, in which i had a ride. All i remember, that it was a triples ride and i was sandwiched between two guys. The Bike roared on the well laid road, the place resembled the outskirts of Thumbakarai village, The sun was sinking in the clouds. The bikes raced and wind blew over my face. I FOUND peace and freedom! A freedom  and victory of winning my own battle against time. The clock hit 5:30pm and i knew the last bus would have gone but i never cared.I closed my eyes and a flash of all the incidents played like a movie, the people i met , the trees i kissed, the places i sat and those mountains and steep path which had a promising light at its end. It was awesome!! i just looked at the plain blue sky and LOST myself into something!

The good twist for stories are always in the end. Finishing my trek and coming back home is not the end..I'm sure this is not the end or Well i don't know if it has really ended!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Kodaikanal Trek - Phase-3 - LOST

|| " Eyes cannot escape the Green, ears cannot miss the sound of the leaf
 I was Lost in woods, tired of beauty and  no minute for  relief" ||

Minutes of walking, things turned heavy! I felt Gravity was pulling me hard,the music became a burden to my ears, everywhere i look i see mountains, trees and brown leaves. I was somewhere in the woods, by calculation i should be able to see some human activity or a promising road ahead but i was in the middle of the woods. My Bag became more heavier, i started to sweat and a bad thought crept in " I'm may not reach on time and im going to miss the bus". A bottle of water, box of chocolates, 2 small pack of biscuits, weak leg and a burning foot. I was still walking hard to make out of the Woods.

As i kept walking, i saw a steep path, shadowed by plants and trees. To my Left i saw thick tree covered mountain and as my eyes ran through the mountain, something Blue showed up. i just stood still and observed! It was a bus and what i was looking at was a road!i was so happy that i had finally made it! I looked at the steep path and started walking faster.

The path went on , it was endless, endless scene of green on both the sides, i switched on the music! I was loosing hope again, my foot was burning like Hell and i knew, if im going to stop and sit down for few seconds, i will not be able to get up to walk again.. As i listened to music an inspiring line showed up from my favorite song, 

Angels and Airwaves- The Adventure 
" My dearest friends,
Even if your hope has burned with time,
Anything that's dead shall be re-grown,
And your vicious pain, your warning sign,
You will be fine."

Yess!! God exists!!!!! said one of my sense!  "Shut Up!!, this is just a random probability, the music is in shuffle mode and any song may pop up! since you are in isolation you are able to hear the Lyrics clearly! " said my other sense, as i battled within, the steep road came to an end and i was engulfed by the dying sunlight! The sight gave me a shock! the place was just an empty space and there was another path leading into the Woods again. I imagined a road leading to the village but i was still in the woods. I have definitely Lost my route and have been traveling all these time in the wrong path!

As i walked closer i found 2 paths. I was stunned and not in a mind to analyze and make decisions on which road to choose. I was bending down to see were these paths go and how should i choose one.My mind did not work right, i was weak , tired and my foot was Burning and im LOST

As i stood clueless, i heard something to my left, i saw bushes move as if someone pushed it ,i gripped my stick and stood still to see what comes out.