Saturday, April 21, 2012

Welcome to the 90's!

                                                || "  A beauty missed is a smile lost" ||

A few minutes of walk and i see myself in front of a lake. I have heard people say that one can hire a Bi-Cycle and ride along the Lake.I approached a lady and asked were i could hire a bicycle, " You have to go to the other side of the lake. If you walk you will have to go 4KM else you can pay 5rs to boatman , he will drop you on the other side" she said. Interesting, i thought. An old man waved at me and i sat on a blue boat. The old man started rowing, " How deep is the water " i asked him in a normal tone he replied  " 80 feet at the middle, here it would be 20-30ft".I took out my Camera and made a video, i was very happy as my boating was done in just 5rs :P.

PS: my fear for water is directly proportional to its depth.

As the rows oscillated  in the water, as the ripples stretched far and as the video was on, the boat reached the other side in a strike of 6 row's. I jumped out carefully, picked my stick and walked along the curb. The street was crowded. There were several shops on roadside selling  bajii , corn , groundnut and ice creams. Every people there were very happy, there were cars parked on the sides and some with music raised in it. A few feet away there were a line of cycles, the shopkeeper rented cycles for 20Rs an hour with an advance of 100Rs. I paid him 100Rs and he pulled a wheel out of the line for me. The cycle was new, even the cardboard wrap covering the bars were not removed. I put my Bag in the back and ensured physics and laws of equilibrium would keep it safe from falling, Just 2 pedals my shiny Blue cycle gained momentum and raced like an horse! i left my stick with the shopkeeper asking him to keep it safe.

In late 1990's, when i was a kid, i used to take my dad's cycle and go to near by places and streets to discover new routes. I used to look at the houses in those streets and imagine how would it be furnished in and who lived there.Those memories lashed as i slowly gained momentum .Also speeding up in the cycle reminded me of the story in early 1990's. It was my half yearly exams, after the day's exams i hopped in the back in my friend sathish;s shiny light blue Gear cycle. It was a sunny afternoon, as he peddled he got mad, hunger for speed he was and me at the back screaming in joy, hunger for some adventure and obviously not prepared for some little tragedy.

Over speeding in cycle at the class of 3, bad roads, loss of control by the driver, domination of gravity from the ground and loosing grip of my sweaty little fingers from the back seat. Result,  swollen head, scratches in arms and legs and importantly  1-2 tooth's missing. More tragic was the Maths exam that i had to write the next day. Some guy on way picked me up and dropped me in house, i entered my house with my friend's Kerchief in my mouth covered with blood. Detol  burnt me and i was sleep till 3:30pm. Well i was good in Maths.. only when i was in school .

It was mostly kids who rode the cycles and i did not feel odd riding amongst them.Yes, im a grown up KID!

 There is a beauty in every little thing, we never look around and acknowledge things.I was alone and i learned to acknowledge some beauty around me. I saw a women and her kid riding a two rider cycle and peddling in rhythm, two kids racing and laughing in excitement, old men and women screaming when i went fast and opposite to them. It was all fun.  Tring tring!!. Get out of my way, im High and crazy now!!

The lake stretched to 4KM, it was a big bowl with a neat road and green trees on one side and the view of the lake on the other.One can ride, round and round the Lake.I felt this is the right time to experiment some stunts, Please do not try this at home!! Riding the cycle by leaving my hands free of the handle bar, i used to do it when i was a school kid and i would rate myself as an expert, but now when ever i tried the handle bar turned left and i lost control. Then and there i took some pics. Had a bottle of 7UP and continued cycling. I even asked the people passing by to take my picture with the cycle. I raced along with some running dogs, i even scared few and i tried to ride on a high slope, i was halfway through and that's it! things went in reverse mode!

As i said before i was i High and crazy , i stared riding the cycle on the curb, with high speed. At one point i brought some Boiled ground nut to eat and simultaneously riding over the curb in one hand. A passer by said " thambi, adhumela cycle ota koodadhu, fine  poduvanga" (Bro , you should not ride on the curb, they will impose fine). I quickly stepped down The sun was bright, it was neither cold nor hot, but the ride across the lake made me sweat.I parked the cycle near a Tea shop. An old man made me a tea and it was the best! There was another young man to whom i asked about cheap rooms to stay for a night. He said about a hotel called Tamilnadu were one could get very cheap rooms. i thanked them for the 6Rs beautiful Masala tea and for the information and rode back on the cycle.

I would have gone 2 times around the lake in 1.5Hours, I tried racing with my own shadow, singing out loud, riding like a snake, making Zig Zag patterns and taking pictures of trees, houses and people. It took me those 0.5hours to locate the cycle shop were i borrowed the cycle from. The cost climbed up to 40Rs, i got the change and started walking across the curb. A small cute little guy was running, people around me looked surprised and said " No he is not mine"! I stopped the kid and asked " Appa , amma yenga?? " ( were are your parents) and tried to lift him, he kind of hesitated, i took a snap and suddenly another little kid came running "Deei.." and pulled this little guy and started walking. I was suspicious and i followed them.

The kids father was there. He sells sweaters and caps on the curb side. The kids dad raised a stick and the kids face turned small and he started making the puppy face with tears ready in his eyes! The kid was so cute i pictured him again and started walking towards the park.

I had never seen an OX but i did not know that i will get a chance to picture it in another 20 minutes. Trekking alone is beautiful, you don't what going to happen next!!!!

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