Monday, August 20, 2012

The story of the Five headed snake

  || " Nature is beautiful, There is always beauty in we humans too , that ' s what we call it Human nature"||

Dolphin nose is just a narrow path, a slope that drags you down.With the so many twist and turns you will reach to a set of rocks that have settled in  the mountain top.The rocks were you can stand , if you are brave enough or have no vertigo and view the forest below. The height will give you natural fear and dizziness! I had something to drink and started to walk down the slope, there were several people. Families, friends and as i was happy to be alone. As i walked i got myself into a group of  men who carried sophisticated cameras and were making continuous jokes. I laughed together and started a conversation.

The man i was talking to was tall as me, with a beard, loose shirt, Grey pants and ordinary slippers. He said he was a photographer and as we were talking one of his friends asked "Have you heard about that 5 headed snake?"  Well i have been fascinated by several stories like the Bigfoot, Lonch ness monster, champ, Chupacabras and ogopogo. I felt bad that all these weird monsters were either in America, distant Himalayas or some other parts of world. Nothing in the main land India, Not so cool.

I'm basically from a  religion were we use a calender called "Panjangam" so in this cover of panjangam there is a picture of funny , poorly sketched 5 headed snakes (Never counted them.. just believe by what people call it). So i was  fascinated by it. I strongly believe that if mankind can explore all of Amazon and other unexplored forest he will end up finding unbelievable creatures. By that theory i agree this kind of snake might exist, but the story here was, 5 headed snake in kodaikanal.

I said ," haaaha ok fine". The man quickly grabbed his phone and showed me the picture. It really had 5 heads , but it's size was normal. like other snakes. Actually i have seen the same picture in you tube which said "5 headed snake in Manglore" and again the same pic "5 Headed snake caught in Infosys campus". single image and so many explanations and i declare it fake. More over im not interested if the snake is going to be that small. In my visualization 5 headed snake should be huge,very huge and highly majestic with an attitude , an attitude that a 5sensed creature dominates the 6 sensed human race with that one emotion called fear! overall i imagine it to be threatening. Threatening like what i read. There is a book called "Bizarre Beings" published by the History channel. This book was the eye opener, life changer and biggest enemy to my 10th exams and my dad.

The book had an interesting collection of monster encounters, Tollund mens, Neanderthals, and finally my all time favorite Aliens crash in Roswell! Yes Aliens did crash land on earth, but let me complete this first. There is this description about a sea serpent. i don't remember the exact details, the year and place. I'm assuming it to be somewhere in 1800's and somewhere in a sea near Britain.A ship was sailing , it was almost put to stop in the middle of sea! reason? The captain claims a big sea serpent about 1mile long crossing the ship. Till date i did not take anytime to look this on net. but i always wish, i could have been that captain and i really did see a 1mile long terrifying serpent. If i ever watch that in real life, i would be terrified and become more allergic to water and might even stop trekking alone  !

As we talked and walked , a guy from the group gave me an green, round fruit to eat. It was in the size naphthalene ball. It was kind of sour and they all loved it, but when they all turned around i threw it on ground.As i walked i lost them or i intentionally did. I wanted to walk alone that's why i had come this long! I was thirsty and kind of hungry.

On the way there were shops, that is were i detached from them.As i approached near the Tea shop a man dressed in pajamas, suddenly slipped and rolled down for few seconds. I went near him and he pulled himself and said " I'm alright, nothing happened" and smiled. and a female voice came from behind and said " Ya ya i can see that,  just saw your front tooth taking off and crashing the ground as you got up" ,everyone started laughing. Obviously it was his wife who passed the comment and it was his son  laughing along with me.

Whenever i wanted to charge my mobile or the camera in a shop , i don't go and abruptly ask them for help. I order something and start talking with them and when they give me the drink or food i quickly ask them and they nod or say yes. I  had a lime soda in a shop asked the lady if i could charge my battery. And as i expected, her answer was no and i knew she is lying, she said there are no plug points and i thought "Oh really!". After that lime soda, i went to the opposite shop and ordered a masala tea and requested for some time to charge.

She immediately nodded and asked me to come along with her!

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