Monday, August 20, 2012

The Edge

        || " Nature is choosy, it shows the unnoticed beautiful places only at the cost of Risk" ||

As Mr.Mohans bike moved away, as the sound echoed in the fresh air, i walked ahead to the curvy road. To my right was  a chain of mountains running and descending into a forest. The sun was on , the clouds were scattered and sky was clean blue, what do you expect a guy like me to do. After carefully inspecting and confirming the absence of human beings or other such living organisms which have the ability to sense sound. I took a deep breath.and there came  "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" scream and i laughed out loud. If there is supposed to be a god , then he is a great interior decor and back drops for earth are awesome! The place was so beautiful, Mountain with fog covered on its tops is a kind of beauty and Mountain that lay under the clear blue sky on a fine sunny day is another kind.

Quickly my Casio Xlim popped out its lens and setting the mode to back light i quickly captured some shots and i sat on the highly laid stone curb and asked some travelers to take a picture of me. After sitting there under sun's warmth i started walking again waving the stick and tapping it on the ground. whenever i tapped the stick on the ground it vibrated and every time it vibrated i thought it was going to break or at least the tip that hit the ground, but so far so good! the stick did not break.

Whenever you are with nature, you should mind your surroundings. Nature is very good at throwing surprises or some kind of by products of nature will throw themselves on to you! Monkeys, Grey angry Monkeys! a bunch of them fighting with one another. they pulled each other when climbing trees and the slopes, typical Indian culture! Dear lord, Genetics, inheritance and theory of evolution is all at place!. Xlim into action, "Past video" mode, as i was recording, a grey monkey Urrrd at me and one was on the tree, just on top adjacent to me.oh my god they are getting closer! what if they take my camera and upload all the photos in their profile? , no!! i did not think that.. i was afraid about their sharp dirty teeth submerging into my skin! I put my camera pouch into my pockets and i continued video. 1 min after the video, there were happenings i had to shut the lens and as well as my eyes.I just realized that few minutes before the monkey's were not on a a fight, they were just...Censor is that all i could say and i had briskly walked in mid of them. The few second when i passed between them, my heart pounded. What if they come back silently , bit me or take away my camera!!!

Nothing happened and i got past them , videoed them for few more seconds and walked again.I always wanted to go to edge of a mountain that is isolated. The edge, were i can stand like a king and gaze at the forest below with an attitude! The edge gives me a feel of conquest ,i feel it even if i think about it. To my left i saw a open land filled with green plants and trees. It was actually the extensions of a house. A small green gate was wide open and the house was quite far. Even if someone wanted to fling stones at me or run and catch me, that's not going to happen with this distance.I entered the gate and yes I like breaking in , you know :). I walked in and there were people sitting outside the house and they didn't shout or Boo at me. So i walked further and there was a path leading down the slope

I saw a Bhutanese/ Nepali / manipuri /Assamese/Chinese??? .. i don't know . okay in American context i saw an "Asian" walking ahead of me. He carried a backpack that was a 1000 times cooler than mine and he looked like a real trekker, the one with a shorts and a sleeveless Tank.He changed a lane and went down the slope and i walked straight ahead. I heard a dog barking, still i continued walking. Looking around, down the slope i saw a white dog barking at me. How could even the dog come up here i thought. The dog was faster than my thought process. She came running , barking loud and with the Teeth ready.

I heard my 7th class zoology lessons. My mam Mrs.Preethi once said , you could run faster than PT Usha when a dog chases you, because Adrenalin is secreted. As the white dog came raising up, the most eminent nerves of my brain discussed among themselves and passed electrical signals.All i needed is a pinch of adrenalin. It was almost there and the electrical signal turned as an inner voice and insisted me to stand still!

I stood still and looked straight. Gosh!! there are two dogs now! The white dog looked comparatively thin with the other brown dog. The brown dog was silent and running towards me, i now know who would be my real threat!! As i stood still the dogs came near me and slowed down.The white dog started to smell my shoes. Bad move, i thought! I have never washed my blue canvas since i brought! A few seconds later the barking went down to the usual "Urrrrr" .

What next? i have to turn back and walk slowly and reach the road or i have to get past these dogs and go see whats there and where this slope slides to.I have come this far, jumped across several excreta in chennai bustand, escaped from the kids puke in bus, sacrificed flirting with that girl in football match! AND THESE TWO DOGS CANNOT SEND ME BACK.!!

Funny part is i started video mode! I imagined the video uploaded in you tube as "Funny, dog bites a guy" or "Funny, guy running afraid of dogs" but none of those happened.
I slowly slid my bag from my shoulder and opened the big zip. Wrapped in a shiny green plastic material and branded by name 20-20, i took  2 of those biscuits and decorated the grass ground around me. The "Urrr" become more like soft puppy " ummm". I have won the battle and the entry to the slope!! Ahimsa wins! :P I shared few more biscuits with the dogs and continued video as they had it. I bid bye to those dogs, happily walked and went down the slope .

A series of rocks surfaced out of the soil, the mud was dry and covered with few green plants and the sun roared in the sky. I put my stick on a rock and slowly walked down the slope and came to the edge.It just looked beautiful. Not a great height,  but a beautiful view. If  you stand were i stood, you would be seeing a broken tree with its trunk little shorter to my chest and beyond that is the beautiful range of mountains in shade of blue and green. it was beautiful to see the mountains through the broken tree! To my left was a huge tree. were underneath you stand and look at the mountains. As i approached the tree i carried a larger stick in my hand for support.

I stood there for while, listening to the sound of breeze, comparing the loneliness and the temperature of the mountains to the desert mountains in the USA near Las Vegas.I clicked few shots and  I had to make a pic of myself. I placed the Xlim on the trees branch and balanced it to make it straight without falling and the auto photo mode did the remaining after 10 seconds.I started again and climbed up the slope and picked up my stick and to my left saw a small wall, i thought i will jump over the wall and from there go to the road. As i approached the wall, i saw it was a private resort or a small cafe, on the other side. I walked along the wall and 3 white men were sitting in a cafe . One waved at me and i waved back. i went to the road and few more steps im all there!

The Dolphin Nose, im all there!... henceforth comes the craziness and fun out of me!


  1. Loved reading,I imagined me in the place of you, who was wandering but was also a bit scared when those dogs came running.On the whole, i would have done the same sort of did.I love Traveling.

  2. Its good you choose no to run!!! and thanks for read and do keep reading, i got more things coming up! the real trek is about to begin!
