Sunday, August 19, 2012

The one man Road

       || " Witnessing hidden Beauty is the price for the eyes that looks for trouble and adventure  "||

Remembering his words i walked and i took the left, a small cement road climbed high. It was just wide enough to fit a car.The road took a curve and 2 roads diverged. i took the right one . The road now become less wider and was surrounded by a greenish, grass covered wall on my right and on my left it was fenced and beyond the fence was  a slope with bushes, leading down to dirty water, which  flew over the dry rocks. The road went on and on and i was walking alone with the company of a butterfly, the sound of birds and flowing water. Human mind is amazing. It suddenly  gives you extra senses at times! suddenly a man was behind me. He was 5 to 5.7 foot, curly hair and unshaven bear. yellowish eyes and had a coiled cloth bag on one of his hand, his walk was vague and he seemed fearless. What if there might be a knife or a weapon in it and he threatened for money i thought.

I slowed down and he was in the same momentum. He walked over my right and the next second i saw his body elevate on air and a sharp blade held pointing from his hand approaching me. well it did not happen , the moment i realized that he passed by me. What a sign of relief. But still i wanted to know who was he. so i started a conversation " brother, can i get pass this grill go down the slope cross the dirty water and reach the other side? will there be snakes?". His looks were rough and i imagined his voice to be hard and he replied with his soft voice with respect " Yes you can go, but it will be slippery and yes there might be snakes". Snakes, shit!! im scared of those!! i thought. so far with 23 years on earth i have just once encountered a snake, when i was a kid, it was a green snake in water and i was standing in my house lobby, i trek through forest roads, sometimes to bushes but i never seen one! so weird!!! .

I saw him walking and i said  " brother 1 min can i take a pic of yours?", he adjusted his blue colored, checked dhoti (lungi) and stood like the leaning tower of pizza. I clicked him as the one man  road came to an end and diverged. He went straight and i took the left.

I felt bad that dirty, gutter water was  in a place filled with the green and suppressed the beautiful smell of soil. As i walked i saw a women and confirmed with her if im going on the right road. I stood in middle of road and was taking a random pic. A man dressed in shirt and a green sweater came smiling  riding in a bike. I requested him to take a pic of mine. He clicked and asked in English " You have come alone?", o god! same question everywhere.. " Yes, im on a trek to dolphin nose". " oh! good. you want room? already i have 2 Germans, 1 Swedish guy staying" he said . " No im leaving today. I'm trekking down to vellakavi and from there to thumbakari". "Wow nice root!! many people come from banglore, you from banglore? "
I smiled and said " no im from chennai. your good name?" . "I'm mohan.. next time you come you can stay in my house" ..  sure.. is it for free??? i will take an off from work and stay there forever, well i said that to myself. I shook hands and started walking.Nice guy though :)

Few more bends and im in Dolphin Nose. i did not know that.. well i never knew the route, that's what make me going!

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