Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Finding the companion

|| "  I n the woods, a walk with a stick. A silent companion in the hand is better than an squeezed empty fist having the taste of air "  ||

It was very sad and i was almost in tears when i saw the shutter half closed in Dominos, but still i took a chance to bend and peep in and i found someone sweeping the floor and there was no one else. New people you meet may be awesome but it does not mean that you will meet them again. Somethings might be awesome, exactly matching our frequency, we would meet someone just like us with great ideas and same minds or sometimes we might even meet "Soulmates" but just like that you meet and walk in opposite direction and never meet again! this might sound not possible but yes! you might keep talking to a complete new person for hours but you have a sudden bye , then you realize that you have not got his / her number or E-mail and all those conversations will never become a mutual memory, just individual, lone, happy and a memory of joy and a bit of regret! This is what happened. I used to imagine an alternate universe, were all these happen , i meet them again , get their number, become friends, may be i would have been invited for someones marriage! gosh above all free pizza's! This is life my friend, life is all about loosing something and discovering something beautiful!

I kept walking and still my mind and heart fixed to the dominos and the moment i had with them yesterday. It was like, you die with out seeing your loved ones face.I might seem more sensitive, may be true. But i value the few minutes i spent with them , few minutes of my life. I walked few blocks away and at the end of road i saw a small Tea shop. I purchased 2 packs of 20-20 Biscuit to have it on my way and a black, mid height man kept with a cigar kept staring at me, i thought i should ask him about the trek and i did.He put his cigar down, " You should have come early! walking in these places in early morning would be great , you will feel the isolation and the nature. Walking this time, you will miss the feel because of the vehicles coming around!" . He was right, but what i could do? i thought. " Go straight, pass by coakers walk and take a left and you will find a path deviating alone, take it.. It will be green and good and no vehicles pass by. It will lead to Dolphin Nose and from there you can trek down to vellakavi and from there thumbakarai falls and from there in bus to Periyakulam. There you will have bus to trichy or madurai and from there you got easy access to chennai"

What a man!! Why did not i meet him yesterday! he just gave the route i wanted and i thanked him and got 2 orange flavored candy in-stood of the 1rs change.I waved bye at him and started walking over the steep road. It was the same road i walked yesterday but it still felt new. Traveling the same road in different climate and under different shades of sunlight makes difference.After few meters of walk the shop on the left attracted me. The shop had Wine, homemade chocolates and other snacks items. After inquiring the rates and making tedious calculations i brought 250grams of chocolate. A mix of different varieties of chocolates. Milk made, dark chocolate , white and all of different shapes."Do not expose it to sunlight, you can keep it in bag for a day and after that you will have to keep them in fridge" the young shopkeeper boy said. Anyways im going to reach chennai tomorrow tomorrow so that wont be a problem i thought.

 I  got through Coakers walk and this time took the other road from the deviation. Everything was fine but there was something missing, yes a stick to hold. i went to the left side of the road, the thorn fences had some broken branches hugging it, as i dragged, a stick came out. The stick was tall and reached my belly from ground.The top portion of the stick curved to left and climbed up a bit forming an inverted, reversed L. The curved position of the stick was comfortable for me to hold.

As i walked i knew i might be going in wrong way. By wrong i mean,i had missed the isolated road which the guy said about. It was kind of boring, so to kindle my spirit I went to the other side of road and started walking through the bushes. It was a slop, the mud was wet and the bushes we chill. The bushes gave some surprise by placing some hidden rocks wherever i keep my foot. I got down the slop and jumped into the well laid road and walked. again humming and looking at the trees and travelers.

"Hello boss!! enna inga?? " ( why you are here?) the sound reached my ears and i turned. It was the guy in a bike with 4 kids along with him. One kid had volley ball, holding it tight as they sat on their dad's bike squeezing the space. As i was looking at their cute innocent faces, " You have come in the normal route, you missed a cut. now go straight take a left. that road would be nice", even before i asked him he had read my mind and given me the answer. I waved bye at him with a smile as he roared in his bike.

I held my stick tight, for it is my only company.As i dragged the stick on the road and my legs making moves forward, i was all pulling the adventure on to me and i never realized until i reached Dolphin nose!